Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Swarovski Ring Giveaway! Any Ring in my shop!!

Very simple, easy giveaway.  3 ways to get entered.

1.  You can also pop into this thread on Etsy and say Galla15 referred you for a 2nd entry into the giveaway.

2.  If you buy from someone on the list in that thread you will get 5 more entries into the giveaway.  There is no minimum purchase requirement.

3.  If you blog about this giveaway you will get 2 more entries into the giveaway.

This is for only 2 days, ends on the 30th at 1130pm EST/Etsy time.

I will make a list of those that leave comments, in the order of comment.  Comment #1 ___  etc.
And then use random.org to draw the winning #.  One comment per person, additional comments do not count.

If you win, you get to pick out any ring from my shop.  Right now you can see my swarovski ring selection through my sold orders page the link is below.  I will customize the size of the ring, and ship it to you Monday of next week.  

Please share this blog, blog about the giveaway and tweet it between now and the 30th. 





  1. Boo! :P
    I left a comment in the Etsy Storque Article an also said you refered me the other week :P


  2. Hi Janet,
    I left a comment a week or so ago in the Etsy storque article.
    I just commented in the 2nd anniversary thread.
    Going to tweet about your giveaway now.

    I'd love to win a ring from you.

  3. Hi! I commented on the article yesterday? And you know I've been in there and definitely will buy back in. If you want to count that. And here's my blog post : http://asdesigns-artaroundus.blogspot.com/2010/09/amazing-ring-giveaway.html
    ~Angela :)

  4. I left a comment in that article the other day. (yesterday?)
    I also stopped in on that thread a while back.
    I blogged about your giveaway (http://crystalgaylephotography.blogspot.com)

  5. I commented in that article too!
    Good luck!

  6. THANKS EVERYONE!! And yes your previous help like yesterday WILL count :)) Because this is to show I appreciate your support. THANK YOU!

  7. Lovely giveaway galla =)
    Good luck to everyone participating!
