Sunday, December 12, 2010

How Are Buyers Finding You?

I have been doing a lot of research on my Google Analytics (GA).  I know there is valuable information in those statistics to help me optimize my Etsy shop.  I plan on having more posts in the future on other capabilities but today is about figuring out how your buyers found you!

I stumbled upon a great post in the Etsy forums written by:
If you haven't bumped into Cindylou on the etsy forums you have missed out, she is a wealth of knowledge.
She also has a successful jewelry shop on etsy.

Her post in the forums is a wonderful step by step guide as to how to use GA statistics to see how your buyers found you.  This is incredibly useful information because now you will know where to find your buyers.  Cindylou was nice enough to allow me to repost this, thank you.

I hope you guys find this as helpful as I did.

1.  If you haven't already, sign up for Google Analytics:

2.  Make sure you also enable the "Site Search" option, which tells you how people searched for you on Etsy:

3.  Then, after you make a sale (remember that it can take 2-3 hours for GA to update)

A:  Log into GA, change the date to today (top right) and find the buyer's location by clicking on Visitors--> Map Overlay--> Country (menu on the left), then the region and/or city.

TIP: not everyone will have exactly the same postal address as GA shows them from. Look for nearby cities. You may have to google the town or city name they gave you to find out what it is close to.

B: If you find the city or town, click on it. You will see a screen like this:

Note the little arrow pointing to the drop-down menu that says "None" - that is called the "Dimension" menu

C:  Click on the menu that says "None" - your screen will now look like this:

D:  If you click on the menu option that says "Source", you will know which website they entered Etsy from.

If that is a search engine (like Google, Yahoo etc.) click on "Keyword" to see which terms they found Etsy with. Sometimes this will answer your question!

E:   Unfortunately, GA only shows how people entered Etsy, not necessarily your shop, so if the source & keyword do not make sense for your shop, or if the source is "direct", you need to click on "Landing Page" to see what page they first arrived on.

Often you will get a result that looks like this:

(hover the cursor over the shorter title to see the long one in the box)
In that result, the person searched "In Canada" in the Jewelry-->Necklace category on Etsy, & found my "paua-abalone-shell-and-crystal-necklace" on page 54 of the search.

This page can help you decode the landing page data:
Although it isn't 100% up to date. Usually the codes are clear once you look carefully.

F:  If you could not find the city your buyer listed as their address (maybe they are on vacation & shopping from another location), then you can still try to find them by going to the "Content-->Content By Title" menu (on the left), & locate the item they bought. You can use the "Dimension" menu the same way as before to find out how the people who looked at that page today entered Etsy, & which page they landed on to find your shop.

Sadly, GA cannot track every buyer, as people can block the tracking, & some computers don't have the correct software installed to track through GA. Also, if you have a very busy shop or generally get a lot of business from one region (like New York City) then it might be tough to narrow this down. However, I can track at least 90% of my buyers this way

Try it! it is easier than it looks!
Thank you again Cindylou for providing this valuable information!!!


  1. I'll have to check this out again. It's been a long time since I did it.


  2. A person has got to love cindylouwho2 .. she really is a font of SEO information!

    Thanks so much for finding and reposting this, Janet :-)

  3. Thanks so much for posting this, Janet! And thanks to everyone for your kind words. Feel free to contact me if you are having problems :)

  4. Great post, thank you for passing along this info

  5. Marking! I have so much reading to do. Thanks Galla for sharing!

  6. Thanks so much! I went and took care of it in Google Analytics. Now to get a sale, so I can check it out. :)

  7. Great Information. I will need to reread it later. Thanks for pointing out this info.


  8. Hmmm - I followed the instructions and changed the settings -- I guess this is something else I need to learn about.

  9. Great post, I tried this once, it was cool.

  10. This was really helpful! I didn't know I could do this...

  11. Thank you for all the information you provide us all the time! Very helpful! Thanks again!

  12. wow great! i didn't know that :P
    very helpful!!
    I ll go right away and check it out :D

  13. Thanks for all the info. You are always so helpful.
    Love those red earrings that you featured.

  14. Thank you for sharing this valuable tutorial. I will have to absorb it in stages, but at least I have a starting point!

  15. Great!!! I have GA but didn´t know how to find buyers from city to source. Thanks for sharing!!!

  16. Also great to learn new ways to track visitors! Thanks for the great info!

  17. Just followed you!
    Angie from Crimson Hill Soaps

  18. Great Info, thanks a lot for sharing!
