Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beaded Ornament Hooks

Well my latest creation is a way to decorate the christmas tree more. I thought to myself why do we hang such gorgeous, expensive, unique, treasured ornaments on our trees with a cheap piece of ugly wire? Wire that comes in one color, and we frequently lose in the branches of our trees?
No one has to hang their stunning ornaments on ordinary wire anymore! I have created wire hooks that are made from a plethora of colored wire and then added beads. The beads range from your standard holiday colors such as green, red, white, gold, silver, and then not as standard such as blue, pink, yellow, orange and purple.
These great holiday ornament hooks can be found in my etsy shop:
I hope you enjoy these. I look forward to your comments and feedback.


  1. great beads! and great start on your new blog!

  2. Thanks everyone :) I appreciate you commenting and looking :)

  3. Those are really nice. Such a good idea.

  4. wow....those look great...I'd hang them on my tree as a stand alone ornament if I had to.
